Monday, February 25, 2008


UJPucket, originally uploaded by jakedyer.

Here are some photos of the late, great U.J. Puckett. The pictures were taken by Ed "Redbird" Tarbutton at Top Cats Billiards in San Marcos, Texas, which is just down the road from my hometown in Austin. Puckett was a former national nine-ball champion who called Fort Worth home. He died in 1992, although some folks insist that U.J. Puckett is back.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Willie Mosconi story

Here's a video of WIllie Mosconi and Andrew Ponzi playing, probably in 1946. It's obviously a re-enactment. Notice that the video marks the arrival of Willie's son, Bill. There is no record of Willie making a five-rail bank to win the match.

Monday, February 18, 2008


Here's the trailer for The Hustler.